
Barrister Pink Gin 40% 700ml

“Barrister” Pink Gin is made according to the original British recipe with delicate distillation. Juniper, anise, coriander, orange zest, strawberries, cardamom and cinnamon are used in the production of the drink. It also makes an excellent G&T and try mixing it with a splash of Prosecco or adding it to a fruity punch.
SKU: 8595010604666
Availability: In stock
Old price: $53.00
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The classic blend of finest botanicals and berries distilled separately: juniper, strawberry, fresh lemon peel, coriander, cardamom, angelica. Barrister is an exceptionally smooth gin that needs no arguments to win! Naturally-farmed and wild-grown botanicals are distilled separately to preserve the impressively intense, bright, and fruity aroma. Enjoy the subtle notes of rare pink blossom and the delicious taste of strawberry in Barrister Pink.


Barrister Pink - a unique product, thanks to the method of delicate distillation, which has a natural taste of fresh strawberries. It is recommended for consumption in its pure form, and will also be an excellent ingredient in a gin and tonic cocktail.

Thomas Henry: Elderflower Tonic, Pink Grapefruit, Wild Berry

Fentimans: Wild English Elderflower, Sparkling Raspberry, Rose Lemonade

London Essence: Pomelo & Pink Pepper Tonic Water, Bitter Orange & Elderflower Tonic Water

Fever-tree: Aromatic Tonic Water, Elderflower Tonic Water, Refreshingly Light Cucumber Tonic Water

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